Category Archives: Faith, Hope,and Love

Watch Out for Lingering Enemies

Several M4A3 Sherman tanks equipped with flame...

Image via Wikipedia

I rose for prayer this morning and sought God for my daughter. I prayed over her emotions, her character, her intellect, and her soul. After prayer, my heart and soul was violently provoked to battle all lingering sin that contaminates my soul with  joy-stealing, hell-scented, life draining  erosion.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,- Philippians 2:12

What man bows the knee in comfort while a masked intruder stands at the doorway of his child’s bedroom?

Today I battle.

I find my soul entangled in a warfare that sets place in a minefield of lust, anger, selfishness, pride, envy, discontented grumbling, and procrastination.

Salvation is deliverance. To work out my deliverance from pride I must ever-so-carefully seek out, with wartime vigilance (fear and trembling), and destroy, with extreme prejudice and hatred (if your eye offends you pluck it out), my lingering adversary.

After all, the foe left to fortify itself in the bunker recess of my compromising soul will most assuredly find a foothold in my house, and in the heart of my daughter. Far be it!

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Filed under Faith, Hope,and Love, Uncategorized

Holiness or Hype

Nobody likes a fake.

Imposters are annoying, deceiving, and poisonous.

If your sense of holiness is solely what you do, or didn’t do, you have become an imposter.

Holiness works from the heart outward. If it’s not an appetite it’s probably not a reality.

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Filed under Faith, Hope,and Love