Category Archives: They didn’t teach this in High School

5 Blogs I really enjoyed this week…..and why you should too!

I don’t usually post on Friday but I have to give this $.02 cents! There were 5 different people who have wrought a profound impact on me this week by their blog post or by their personal story. I’m going to list them in no particular order but I recommend catching up on some of their information over the weekend or tonight.

If you want to understand and be a part of the blog community you must think of them as siblings. Some of them you hate so you pick on them and remind them how stupid they are, others are mild and laid back not really doing anything  but not getting in your way. Then you have the awesome big sibling who is cool, inspiring, and not a jerk. The one you model yourself after and look up to. I’m not ashamed to say that there are a few blogger siblings I look to. Here are a few:

The writer behind Location 180 is Sean Ogle. I met Sean after I signed up for an affiliate program with Chris Guillebeau. Sean contacted me and made himself available to help me with building my own program. After I looked at his site and started browsing I realized I had found a guy to admire (yeah, I could not think of a less corny way to say it). I have found blogs and self help people who are valuable but didn’t seem too caring or sincere. I like Sean because he’s an expert…who actually cares. I went to his site and clicked on everything I could browse and I found 24 Ways to Improve Your Life in 24 hours and I loved it. although I am not a lottery supporter, Sean gave some great tips that I started using asap. My favorites were getting your personal mba, take 24 hours off, and call an old friend.  Simple enough yet amazing ideas that actually made me have a wonderful morning today after talking to a friend for an hour or so. If you want to read some information that will blast you into production mode and feel good while doing it, read Locaton 180.

This is Dusti Arab. (say hi Dusti!) I came across her site last week. If I had to sum up Dusti in a sentence it would be ‘the next generation version of pursuit of happiness‘  (maybe not as dramatic but still cool!) If you have not read her story you should. She has been threw the storms and for most of us who can relate to divorce, financial issues, and single parenthood she is an example of someone who has been where we are AND HAS MADE IT TO BETTER DAYS. I suggest visiting her site because her posts, like How to travel the world with almost no money, leave you feeling creative, encouraged to press on for reasons other than yourself, and, most of all, stir a sense of ‘I can do that’ into your spirit. If I could describe her in 4 words it would be: free, empowered, passionate, and cute!   : )

ok…with a name like ‘Art of Non-conformity’ do I really need to explain?? You’ve seen me mention Chris Guillebeau before and I do it again. Why? In the Universe of blogger planets he is the sun. This guy is the truth and I believe he is going to guide me to major success.  Go to his site right now and read  How to Conduct Your own Annual Review, download the template (update it to 2011), trash your current resolutions, and start over with something you can use! I love that post. He makes freedom and financial success packaged for easy consumption. A teenager can read his tips and put them to good use. Are you smarter than a teenager?

Chris is the guy that the major bloggers are influenced by. 5 minutes in his blog or his e-book would tell you that. People are rich because of him. Don’t mistake me when I say ‘rich’. The first thing that comes to your mind is ‘$$$” but what comes to my mind is all of the great things that are a by-product of ‘$$$’ like time seeing your family when you want to, not having a heart attack because you hate your job, ability to impact the world in a positive way. Thank you Chris!

Mr. Adam Baker. The man who is helping me to free myself from the debt trap! Adam is the revolutionary behind MAN VS. DEBT.COM

Honestly, I don’t know a single American who doesn’t need to bookmark his blog and buy one of his e-books today. This guy started off decluttering his life and selling his crap to get financial freedom. Give yourself a Christmas gift: research what he has to offer and see if he can help you make a resolution to never enter into debt again.

His products are worth your consideration because of one thing: CREDIBILITY! People are using his methods and products and it works. As I am a beginning with Adam, you will hear more from me in the months and weeks to come regarding my own journey to financial freedom. Stay tuned!

If you act now Adam is offering a Free 15 book give-away contest

Rowdy Kittens is as inspirational as it is practical. Tammy Strobel is the author and kind heart behind this site. Her e-books, Smalltopia and Simply Car Free , are helping people all over to embrace a simpler life of downsized abundance! While her site is for everyone I think of mom’s especially when I visit her sites. I wish Tammy was around when I was a youngin because I really believe that so much of her wisdom would have helped my own mom through our struggles. That being said, I’m not going to miss out for me!

While I was reading a post called The Power of a Smile I remembered how I used to smile while on the phone with angry callers at my job. I’ve started doing it again because of that. smiling is contagious. Tammy reminded me of that. She sent a ripple into my heart that sent me to youtube where I bookmarked a Talking Tom video that instantly made me smile. negative feelings and thoughts come and go but I know it can be toxic for others so I make a declaration to smile! Thank you Tammy!


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Success isn’t an Accident

Two great moments in a person’s life:
1. The day they are born
2. The day they discover why

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Are You Smarter than a Comicbook Reader?

Laugh at the thought all you want to but you need to understand that there is something absolutely vital about life that only children typically understand and apply.

It’s simple and will not be very clear at first. I’m sure that when you see what it is you will shrug it off and possibly stop paying attention altogether……and you will miss out on a principle that used by the wealthiest and most successful people in the world! It’s simple: make superfriends! Keep reading…..

Are you smarter than a comic  book reader ? There are 3 Lessons you need to learn NOW!

1. Think like a Superhero!

Use your imagination: X-men, Justice League, Fantastic Four……they all have a few things in common with you.

  • As each superhero found their purpose and mission in life they also discovered a need to ban together for the common good. Even Batman found Robin and occasionally Superman teamed up with the Justice League.  Some things CANNOT be accomplished or defeated alone.
  • All superheroes are unique with specific gifts and talents AND FLAWS! Yep, I know you’ve read a ton of books, pamphlets,and blog posts on purpose-driven-promise-given-zen-habits for a better you today and you’re psyched about how special you are but guess what? For every awesome gift you have there is a flaw tucked away just waiting to be exploited! You have wounds, shortcomings, and deficits that must be managed! 
  • This last one is simple: superheroes have an arch-enemy, you have even more! Perhaps they aren’t bandits dressed in green that fly around on magical surf boards tossing bombs at you but nonetheless they are real. If you are a salesman it’s a competitor with a slight edge on you, or maybe a bad history with a client. Maybe you struggle with clinical depression or have a habit that is eating away at you. For many of us its a nasty habit of stinking-thinking that we were programmed to buy into throughout our life and now we realize that this is the reason why we can’t hold onto money, relationships, or success. Whatever the case, you face opposition in every worthwhile endeavor you’ve been called to do.

When you begin to think like a superhero you will see the need for relationships that provide what you are lacking and likewise. Look at any organization, government, or tycoon. Rather than try to make up for what they don’t have they build alliances that are mutually beneficial. Do you think Donald Trump maintains his millions by simply harnessing the power of his stunning toupe-looking hairdo? Heck no! He has developed the abilitiy to surround himself with those individuals who are capable of doing for him what he cannot do for himself.

 2. You must win friends like a superhero. Don’t expect the people you need to just show up tomorrow and beg to be in your circle.

You must develop a daily habit of adding value to others. Each day i have a habit where I spend 7-9am finding people to sow into with encouragement, accountability, or just companionship. If you didn’t stop and click on the linked phrase that said “win friends” go back and click it now (or just click the highly obvious re-link I just added for you). Read it, bookmark it, and plan your activity to implement it.

I suggest that you get a Mentor– In short,  someone who is where you want to be and wants to see you succed. According to webster’s : a trusted counselor or guide. Find somone that is making an impact in your own life and let them know who they are to you and how they can be more valuable in your relationship. It may sound weird or even selfish but people who provide guidance and show example to others often like to 1. know that they are succeding at impacting someone and 2. be given some clues on how they can do it even better.

3. Act like a superhero

Very important. What do I mean? Who hangs around Superman when he’s Clark Kent? nobody. He’s boring and dull. You might be a Clark Kent too. If you are, Please understand you suck to be around and any cool friends you have will be gone in time. You will lose the best relationships because great alliances are formed on purpose not promise. You need to be doing something now. Pursue your dreams, join a think tank discussion group on linkedin, start the necessary processes, begin your own business. I can’t stand being around people who spend all their time complaining about yesterday and wasting today. Make some key decisions and spend everyday on a mission. Walk around with confidence like a pig  and be the person to change the world!

Read 21 keys to Magnetic Likeability

Read How to Meet Remarkable People When You Live and Work from Anywhere

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Filed under They didn't teach this in High School

Leave the Dead Horse: The Problem of Relevance

Stay relevant!

Whether you are a marketing professional, business owner, Pastor, or a Parent, your success hinges entirely upon your ability to be relevant to your market.

Yes, I classify all of those individuals in the same category as it relates to relevancy. Why do so many youth feel estranged from their parents and experience a disconnect? Well, its not always because kids will be kids…..IT’S BECAUSE YOU ARE BORING AND DON’T LISTEN WELL.

This applies to any individual who is trying to convey a thought, product, or service to someone else. You have to know your target.


Try listening. Ask questions. Appreciate the obvious.

If i can access the yellow pages via the internet why would I pickup the big yellow brick outside of my door. Granted perhaps there are some great arguments for the widespread eco-disaster called ‘delivery of yellow pages’ BUT I have never heard any. The dead horse has been beat, kicked, punched, and fatalitied (mortal kombat!).

Stop what you are doing. Step back. Get creative and look at your market and ask yourself ‘What problems can I solve with my product?’


Pastors– um, there are people who are financially destitute and need basic items such as food and daycare. LIGHTBULB: perhaps, just perhaps, feed them. They just might return on Sunday to say thank you.

Business Owners– How about getting some feedback from the two most ignored people you meet? 1. Your customers (get a yelp account)  and 2. Your employees (have you seen undercover boss?)

Parents– are you afraid of all that could happen to your child in this crazy world? Guess what: They are scared too! Most of the consumerism and peer pressure generated among youth is because they are AFRAID.  I suggest to you something that is very revolutionary and may get you in trouble with other parents but I think it can work…….LISTEN TO YOUR KIDS. I know I know, where did I get such a thought!?? All unusual and stuff but maybe try that over a long period of time, no overnight success, and perhaps you can build and maintain a parental relationship that prepares your kid for the world outside. Tell your children about YOUR fears and what you have been thru. Maybe even share a tale or two of your own misfitism. Build a bridge!

A great man once said: “don’t try to prepare the road for your children, prepare your children for the road.” You can prepare them by being a parent who streamlines their approach to fit the behavior, personality, and needs of their child.

Overall, this isn’t the fixall solution to solve your problems. Your product might just suck 🙂 . My goal here is to stimulate you to think in the direction of ‘Am I in touch with the pulse of those around me?’

To make a ripple at home, church, business, or wherever you have to be sure to target the right ‘waters’, afterall, a pebble dropped on the ground does nothing!

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Filed under They didn't teach this in High School

The Cash Flow Quadrant

There are 4 different people that make up the world of business. Everybody isn’t the same.Robert Kiyosaki explains that there are 4 different cash flow quadrants that you need to know about. Each quadrant represents a person, a mindset. Use this video to assess your values.

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